Effective Expectation Management for Facility Management Service Providers

3 min read
Effective Expectation Management for Facility Management Service Providers

The facility management industry in the UK is experiencing steady growth, contributing to 10% of the nation’s total workforce. According to BIFM, this sector is expected to expand further, reaching an estimated value of £71.43 billion by 2026 (FM Briefing). However, as companies in this industry navigate through a variety of tasks, they often feel overwhelmed while managing customer expectations and the accompanying challenges brought on by this growth.

A significant focus on the efficient and effective allocation of resources has driven the adoption of technology in the industry. Successful business operations hinge on the effective management of both internal and external stakeholder relations, underscoring the importance of maintaining internal stakeholder viability, particularly during a company’s growth and maturity phases.

Managing stakeholder expectations can be particularly challenging if one is unaware of the specific industry challenges and obstacles. To gain a deeper understanding of these issues, we reviewed comments from workers and stakeholders on platforms like Glassdoor and LinkedIn. The most frequently mentioned gaps included:

    •    Communication issues
    •    Challenges in shift management
    •    Lack of visibility regarding changes
    •    Difficulty in matching the right worker to the right job
    •    Feelings of being undervalued among employees
    •    Overworking
    •    Managing compliance and regulations

HSEQ workers highlighted additional concerns such as:

    •    Ensuring everyone is well-informed
    •    Keeping track of employee acknowledgements
    •    Identifying skill gaps
    •    Managing and maintaining technology

Customers, on the other hand, pointed out problems when onboarding facility management service providers, such as poor service quality and challenges in vetting these providers.

One major concern in the industry is the difficulty in tracking worker shifts and handling last-minute changes. This is particularly challenging for workers in blue-collar industries, where issues like traffic jams can severely disrupt operations and impact long-term efforts. According to a recent Statista report, 269,000 job-to-job resignations occurred in the UK during the first quarter of 2024, and the turnover rate in blue-collar industries has become so significant that 49% of employers struggle to recruit workers (Staffing Industry Analysts).

The high turnover rate and complex vetting process can cause delays, impacting both the bottom line and the brand image of a company. Numerous worker reviews revealed frustrations with distant job sites and poor communication about work schedules. This communication gap complicates the job of HSEQ and project managers who must hire competent employees, especially in a competitive pay environment.

Low employee satisfaction leads to high turnover, increasing project complexity, which in turn can cause delays. This ripple effect can significantly damage an organization’s reputation.


In response, companies have increasingly adopted software solutions to boost productivity, retain employees, improve visibility, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction. However, implementing these solutions is often easier said than done.


Recognizing the need to address these challenges, the founding team at EarnFlex developed a platform called Arez, designed to offer a comprehensive solution for:

  • Vendor management
  • Compliance management
  • Real-time mobile connectivity
  • Worker activity monitoring
  • Anomaly detection
  • Scheduling
  • Payroll and invoicing


The Arez platform allows users in worker-intensive industries to perform multiple tasks on a single platform. By leveraging technology and process automation, the system helps eliminate human errors.

Marking attendance on-site is simplified and made more engaging with technology. Rather than waiting in line to sign in, workers can use the Arez mobile app to take a selfie, and the system handles the rest.

For HSEQ professionals, project managers, workers, or clients, the constant back-and-forth over the phone to update and track on-site performance can be exhausting. We’ve embedded technology into our platform to serve as a driving force for increased visibility.


Some of the key features of the Arez platform include:

  1. Selecting the Best Worker Near Your Location: We match workers to your job requirements from our database, ensuring they are located near your job site, creating a win-win situation.
  2. Managing Workers’ Activity: Our visual aids provide insights into workers’ on-site job movements.
  3. Automatic Work Logouts: Once workers leave the job site, they are automatically marked as booked off, and you receive automated alerts.
  4. Shift Abandonment Alerts: You are automatically alerted if a worker leaves the job site during a shift.
  5. Automated Compliance Checks: The system conducts daily automated checks, sends reminders to workers, and generates reports for HSEQ and management.


EarnFlex and Arez offer staffing solutions tailored to address the challenges of workforce-intensive industries, enhancing employee retention, tracking, and promotion with increased visibility and user-friendly software.


We are currently working with organizations in various sectors, including:

  • Security services
  • Cleaning and facilities management
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Healthcare and emergency services

Our solutions are specifically designed to tackle the roadblocks faced by professionals in the facility management sector. If you’re a facility management service provider looking to learn more about Arez, visit our website at Arez.io.